Final Cut Pro X

Friday, October 21, 2022

Tiny Wedding, Big Love

Dear Love Beaming Soul Sara, 

We did it!!

After 4 years of loving and living together, we got married privately in San Francisco on September 30 2022. 

Here we are last July, applying for and magically getting our marriage license at City Hall in San Francisco. 

Over the next few years, or longer! ;-) we are also having a series of what we are calling "tiny weddings" - each with close friends or family members. We are looking forward to really savoring the serendipity and magic with each person at each tiny wedding. Tiny weddings, BIG love indeed!

This all started because David proposed on Christmas, and then proposed again on each of the 12 days after, and periodically throughout the year! (I've said yes each time!) We've realized that we just love the repetition of really good things. 

We also wanted to release ourselves from any pressure of a single wedding "date" or time, and have lots of happy chances to enjoy a multitude of love-filled tiny weddings! 

We've had several tiny weddings so far, and each one has been uniquely miraculous and meaningfull. One was in our home, one was at David's parents' house in Vermont, and another was an impromptu  'silent wedding' in the quiet sanctuary of the Muir Woods redwood forest.
We titled that event
"Tiny Wedding, Big Trees!" This is a new paradigm for weddings, and we are very excited about it. 

And speaking of new paradigms, you might know that we each married ourselves years before we met. I had written about doing this in my book Succulent Wild Woman, and have inspired others to do the same.
David had married himself also, without having read my book or knowing  that I taught about that. We both believe that it is our commitment to self-love that has allowed our relationship to flourish so abundantly.

Most of all, we wish for more love for all, in all ways. 

My former fiancé John, who became non-physical in 2016, heartily supports our marriage and predicted from the afterlife in early 2018 that my husband was on his way and would arrive in May. I met David in May 2018 after he called my Inspiration Phone Line (415-546-3742) - and left ME a truly inspirational message. 

David and I have just returned from a 2 week magical honeymoon on the California coast - and as you've probably guessed, we'll also be having more than one honeymoon! 
And please note that honeymoon, to us, includes the "marvelous messy middle" of it all:-) 

Thank you for your love and enthusiasm for us, and we'd like to invite you to share any wisdom or blessings to carry with us in our marriage. 

What do you envision for us?
Do you have any special reminders or quotes for us to enjoy?
Thank you for your kind words. We will revel in reading them together. 

We send you our love~


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