Final Cut Pro X

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Webinar RePLAY - Available for 72 hours!

Dear luminous soul Sara,

Do you ever think about your Writing Dream Life and hear voices like:

    •    Who do you think you are, trying to be a writer?
    •    No one will ever want to read your story.
    •    Your writing isn't good enough to be published

These are your Inner Critics—not your Inner Wise Self, which is always loving and kind.

In the Dream Write Transform: Overcome Your Inner Critic webinar, we learned how to silence these critics and reignite our creative spark.

If you missed it or want a refresher, enjoy exclusive access to the rePLAY—for the next 72 hours only!

Watch the Webinar Replay Here

But Inner Critics aren't the only challenges. Self-doubt, writer's block, and the overwhelm of publishing can also hold you back.

That's why I created Build Your Own Book: SARK's Publishing Pathway—a transformative 6-month program to guide you from an unfinished project to joyfully holding your published book.

With a 1:1 SARK Writing Coach, you'll have personalized support every step of the way. This is more than just a writing program—it's a journey to finally bring your book into the world.

Only 30 spots available!

Reserve Your Spot Now 

When you join, you'll also receive THREE Special LIVE Teaching Experiences!

    1.    The Joy of Marketing with Jen Kem!
    2.    Have Fun, Get Your Writing Done!
    3.    Exclusive Bonus Session—available for the next 24 hours only!

Why This Program and Process is Different:

  • This is my life's work and our signature offering. It's designed to take you from inspiration to transformation, focusing not just on the mechanics of writing but on overcoming inner critics, building confidence, and nurturing your creative self. This is what makes our 1:1 support truly unique. It's a holistic, comprehensive, and immersive program that WORKS!


  • We only have 30 spots and we'll be at capacity with our coaches. If you are committed and ready to finish your book, reserve your spot NOW

Let's get your beautifull book into the world! 💜💜

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