Final Cut Pro X

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Screen Printing

I went to an amazing workshop in Winston Salem. Vidabeth Bensen is an artist/educator who has traveled the world. The workshop was wonderful because it taught me one of the things I have always wanted to do with students but had never learned: screen printing! Thank you Vidabeth! The video is very general and is aimed at showing my students a general overview to be combined with more detailed instructions.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Painting With Light

Click here!

and here.....

Please read these sites so you have an idea of what this is all about. You might also want to bring some glowsticks, they look really cool.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Digital Photography


Just got this amazing link that you should visit if you are at all interested in digital photography! Check it out!

Click here: Short Courses in Digital Photography.

Digital alternatives to Photoshop:


Public Domain Films:

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009


Hi everyone,

The official countdown has begun! Our first meeting will be on Tuesday November 10th at 5pm. I hope everyone can make it! Please bring $20 towards tips, a small binder, and any questions you may have. I look forward to seeing you there.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Warhol Photoshop Project

CLICK HERE for an easier Photoshop/Warhol project to try!             


We will be making masks soon in Art I! It's time to be thinking about your idea. The one thing you are NOT going to be allowed to do is use someone else's idea. That means no Batman, Joker, or Jason masks! You are going to create an original and unique mask!

CLICK HERE for a huge site with lots of links to explore. You will find lots of design ideas here!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Computer ART!

I am posting this as a response to some college students of mine who feel that anything done on a computer is not art. I am trying to change your mind!   These works were done by Sarah, who is 17 years old.  She used a Wacom Tablet to draw on the computer in Photoshop, much like you hold a pen or paintbrush.  Anyone can hold a stylus, just like anyone can hold a paintbrush or pencil.  What she does with the stylus and how she controls it is unique to Sarah.  She loves drawing wolves, and has become somewhat of an expert on the subject (in any medium.)   Notice how three-dimensional looking they look?  They were drawn and then colored in and then highlights and shadow were added to make the bodies look three-dimensional.  She didn't use a pattern, or a template, or any tool on the computer that may be seen as "cheating." She made it 'from scratch!' The computer is just another medium for an artist to use.  If she drew a wolf using colored pencil, and it looks exactly the same as these do- what separates the works of art other than the use of a medium?  The artist and her skill and her originality remain the same.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Moon Mandala Journal

I started a round-robin altered book group almost a year ago.  This is one of the recent ones I worked in. The rest of the group had done such exquisite work in it that I was afraid to touch the pages for a long time!  I finally got going and did these pages.  The theme had to 'revolve' (sorry!) around the idea of the moon. This first photo (which was actually my last page) was at about 2am and I was tired, and all I could think of was that there were TONS of songs out there about the moon!  The second had to do with my love of all things triskell/trinity/three's.  (Three photo's posted to my blog!?......)   Finally the last one was a card I bought somewhere and have kept because I just love it.  I photocopied the card and used the paper.  I am not too thrilled with these as I could be....I could have done more detail, but they are ok!   The last photo is a rare one of me (I normally hate having my photo taken.)  A student was playing with my iPhone camera.  This was a day they were working in sketchbooks and everyone was engaged and on task. I had to get involved- so I brought out my sketchbook and worked a little in it.


Op Art started in the 50's and is a genre of art that uses optical illusions to fool the eye. Here are some finished examples from Art I students Morgan P. and Brittany M. Do you notice that all of the pieces have the same thing in common? They all look as if they are going back in the distance. The lines are headed back to a focal point (which sometimes can be a sphere).

Make sure you have a minimum of three spheres. Draw them in first, then put your background in. Be sure the lines head back to the focal point in the distance. This should never be in the middle of your page.

Use black and white checkered designs as well as at least one colored pencil. Refer to the handout for more examples.

Lead pencil should NOT show up! Neat craftsmanship and attention to detail is a must!

Click here to read more about OP ART in Wikipedia.

Click here for great examples- scroll all the way down, great page!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Memory Project

This is one of the Memory Project paintings that we sent to the Dominican Republic several years ago.  Cassie Cummins is a very talented young lady (former student)  who is now serving in the armed forces.  This is a picture of the painting when it was in the art room, and a picture of the little orphan she painted with her new portrait.  For more information on the Memory Project, click here.

Below, another Memory portrait with its' owner by Meghan, a 2008 NHS grad.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Prices going up.....

Welcome to our grand adventure! If you are considering joining us on our trip to Italy next summer please act soon as prices are about to go up. Scroll down on the right and find all of the itinerary and price information, and view a video from our last trip to Italy three years ago. It was so great I am doing the same tour again! E-mail me if you have questions. We will have our first official 'all of the group together" meeting sometime in November. Students from any area high school are welcome to attend, as well as any adult who is interested in a great trip for great prices!

The pictures below are from our last trip to Italy.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


The requested deadline for signing up has passed, but you can still enroll on the Bell Italia trip! The prices are about to go up, so please sign up this week. Let me know if you have questions! If you are new to the site and are seeking information about the Italy trip, please scroll down on the right and look at the Bell Italia pages. You can see how to enroll, find out prices, watch the video highlights from the last trip, and look at pictures!

Friday, September 18, 2009


Recent "Line" Photo's

One of the assignments for my online Digital Photography students was to take pictures that showed the element LINE. A couple of these also show framing, as the students were learning about.
This first one was taken in Dorset, England. When I took the photo (sprawled on the ground) I dropped my train ticket! Had to run back for it when the train came.

This one was taken in Wilmington, NC last weekend. I was thinking about the line assignment.

I took this in Wales a year and a half ago.

I took this in Asheville, NC from the Biltmore gardens. (Framing!)

This was taken a few years ago in Paris. I was standing inside Marie Antoinette's jail cell! I loved the light and the lines of the window and the shadow.

Monday, August 31, 2009

ITALY 2010

The deadline for registering for the Italy 2010 trip is September 18th! Prices go up soon after that and we are trying to lock our total number of travelers in early this year. Information, itineraries and prices will be given out at the meeting on Tuesday in room 901. If you can't make the meeting, please let me know if you are interested. You can also access most of the information below. Click on the Bell Italia link. I did this trip several years ago and we had such an amazing time I wanted to go back and do it again. I have several repeat travelers/students coming with me, including several Northside grads/college students!

Please do not delay if you are seriously thinking about going. Autopay can spread out your payments so you have longer to pay- I strongly recommend it!

Please e-mail me if you have any questions!


Saturday, August 15, 2009


Summer Solstice Celebration

This summer we were driving from Dorset to Southampton to Suffolk. I asked my husband if we could detour through Stonehenge. Well, not exactly THROUGH it, literally, but through the area. It was June 27th- soon after the summer solstice. Saturday, at noon. We heard announcements coming over the loudspeaker asking guests NOT to follow the "Dolmen Grove" into Stonehenge. Then we heard the drums and flutes and I watched the procession walk right past me. (See the video below.)

The group walked into the site playing the instruments, and circled the site once or twice before entering. After that it was hard to see or hear much of anything. The man wearing antlers seemed to be conducting much of the ceremony, and I managed to get some great pictures of him. I was curious about their practices, and looked up their website. ( According to the website, "Antlers have been worn as head dresses by European Shaman and Native Americans,they can also be found within the oldest religions of India and other indigenous tribes."

I also learned that the group regarded that day, the 27th, as the true solstice day. I later heard someone refer to them all as "barmy" which I didn't like, AT ALL! I think this is THE single greatest problem we face today: lack of compassion, understanding, and a lack of shared faith. These people were not doing anyone any harm. They were celebrating a ritual and a belief important to them. It's amazing how threatened people feel by anything that is different or difficult for them to understand.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Had to try Wordle tonight, it is a lot of fun! You can create "word art" using pasted text. You can also control font and colors.

Check it out! Wordle

Incompetech-This site is a generous gift from a talented composer! Kevin McLeod composes music for educational use in schools. Anyone creating videos in school definitely needs to look at this comprehensive listing of royalty free and copyright free music. Free music!
Digital Media- this is a huge site for technology educators and facilitators with some great links and very useful pages.

Christo and Jeanne Claude

I first saw Christo in Paris when he and Jeanne Claude covered the Pont Neuf in Paris. (History lesson: Pont Neuf means "New Bridge" in French. It is actually the oldest bridge in Paris, dating to the sixteenth century. Henry IV inaugurated the bridge in 1607. It was the first bridge not to have buildings on it, as was the custom, to allow a unobstructed view of the Louvre!)

In 1984 I was a student in Paris when the Pont Neuf was transformed. I was mesmerized with how the interactions of people and the bridge changed- instead of just driving across, or walking across, people were noticing the surface on which they walked, really paying attention. I walked across the bridge, and watched the divers attaching the long cords to tie the canvas material to the bridge. I walked to the press office and 'obtained' a press pass and then as I walked out I ran straight into Christo's chest! I got his autograph, and was so happy. Unfortunately, I lost it some time later in one of my many moves. So I was determined to see him again when I found out he was coming to Asheville, NC!

I brought my poster of the Pont Neuf and they both signed it for me! Below is a picture of them signing my poster. Look on their website for information about their proposed project in Colorado.

Christo and Jeanne Claude in February 2009 talking about some of the requirements they looked for when selecting a locale for their upcoming project "The River."

Jeanne Claude responds to an audience question that asked which was their favorite project!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Note to self: get caught up with the rest of the millions of links that I want to put on here!

I am heading to Wilmington tonight for the first of several days of fun with former high school friends. I am looking forward to taking some pics in the old historic part of Wilmington.

I am also getting excited about the next trip I have planned to Italy. June 2010! If you are interested please visit and click on the right under Bell Italia.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sketchbook/ Journals

A few pages from one of my travel journals. This was from a visit to NCCAT in the NC mountains. It was such a beautiful place!


Summer Photographs '09

Fun Stuff

School of Art and Design Creativity Test

Photography Links

Photo Kaboom- lots of handouts!
Morgue File- free photos to use!

BeFunky- creative things to do to your photos!

While the Baby Sleeps ...  Creative photos!



Art History

Ancient Greece at the British Museum
Art History Powerpoints
Art History survey (with images)
Art History Resources on the Web (huge site!)
King Tutankhamen
Parthenon, Athens
Art Styles and Periods
Museum of Modern Art, New York
The Artchive- research site!

Greek sculpture: From "How Art Made the World"

Art Education Links

ZimmerWebWorks (Awesome links for students and teachers)
Prof Hudelson's Site (Links, video guides, etc)
Art Teacher Toolbox (Incredible Art Dept)
Window to Art (Huge site)


Make a Flipbook!

Incredible Art Department

Video Editing Links



(If you can type, you can make movies!)

General Video Editing

Bring your photos to life with this great-easy-tool!

Use your photos and videos along with a huge selection from the BBC.

Video Editing Links

Technology Links

Click here for an Interview with a film-maker

Digital Media - lots!

Download and save any video from YouTube, Daily Motion, MetaCafe, and more!