Final Cut Pro X

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Limited Spots Left—Have You Registered for SARK’s Webinar?

Dear splendidly human soul of wonder Sara,

I wanted to make sure you didn't miss out on this special opportunity! Spots for the Dream. Write. Transform! Overcome Your Inner Critic Webinar are limited and filling up fast, and I'd love for you to be there.

This is more than just a webinar—it's a chance to transform your relationship with your inner critic and step into the writer you're meant to be.

Why You Shouldn't Miss This:

🩵 An intimate, heart-centered conversation with SARK.
🩵 Learn the essential elements of SARK's Writer's Pathway.
🩵 Receive personalized guidance and magical mentoring.
🩵 Get a Complimentary Connection Call to further explore your writing dreams. Limited availability! 

Join me on Tuesday, September 3rd, from 2:00 - 3:30 PM PST.
Don't forget, the registration deadline is September 1st!

🌟 Reserve Your Spot Now🌟

Don't let your inner critic take over this time! Let's give them some new jobs! Your writing dreams are within reach, and I'm here to help you make them real.

P.S. Join me—this magical, interactive video class will be an exploration of all the ways to say YES to your writing dream life! With only a select number of darling souls invited, this intimate setting is designed to provide you with personalized guidance and connection.

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