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Saturday, August 31, 2024

Two More Days!

Dear wonderous writer Sara,

Have you ever felt your inner critic holding you back from your creative potential?

Join me, SARK for an intimate and transformative experience designed to redirect those doubts and bring your writing dreams to life!

Dream. Write.Transform: Overcome Your Inner Critic with SARK!
When: Tuesday, September 3rd

Time: 2 -3:30pm PST
Reserve Your Spot Now

This is a special, limited-space event, spots are filling up fast and registration closes tomorrow, Sunday 9/1. If you're ready to silence your inner critic and take inspired action, this is your moment!

Let's marvel in the writing and creating miracles together!

P.S. Registration closes soon! Reserve your spot by tomorrow, Sunday 9/1!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Step into your creative power

Dear magnificent creative soul Sara,

Are you ready to untap the full potential of your work and art, freeing power within yourself and those who experience it?

You don't want to miss this. ;)

Dream. Write. Transform: Overcome Your Inner Critic with SARK!
Date: Tuesday, September 3rd
Time: 2 - 3:30 PM PST

This is a unique, limited-space event crafted to provide you with magical mentoring and the support you need to bring your creative visions to life!

Reserve your spot now—
registration closes September 1st!! 

Why Attend:
🌀Inner Sanctum Conversation: Personal insights and techniques to quiet and redirect your inner critic.
🌀SARK's Publishing Pathway: Learn strategies to ignite and maintain your creativity to bring your writing dreams to life. 
🌀Personalized Guidance: Receive magical mentoring and muse-filled advice!
🌀Complimentary Connection Call: As a special bonus, every attendee gets a call to explore their writing vision further!!!!!

This Webinar is Perfect For You If:

💜 You're passionate about completing a writing or creative project.
💜 You've  struggled with inner critics, self-doubt, or procrastination and seek a supportive path forward.
💜 You're eager to learn from a celebrated author who deeply understands the creative process.

It's time to set your miracles in motion. I'm here to support you in LIVING YOUR WRITING DREAMS. 

P.S. If you can't attend live, sign up anyway and you'll receive access to the rePLAY for a limited time!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Limited Spots Left—Have You Registered for SARK’s Webinar?

Dear splendidly human soul of wonder Sara,

I wanted to make sure you didn't miss out on this special opportunity! Spots for the Dream. Write. Transform! Overcome Your Inner Critic Webinar are limited and filling up fast, and I'd love for you to be there.

This is more than just a webinar—it's a chance to transform your relationship with your inner critic and step into the writer you're meant to be.

Why You Shouldn't Miss This:

🩵 An intimate, heart-centered conversation with SARK.
🩵 Learn the essential elements of SARK's Writer's Pathway.
🩵 Receive personalized guidance and magical mentoring.
🩵 Get a Complimentary Connection Call to further explore your writing dreams. Limited availability! 

Join me on Tuesday, September 3rd, from 2:00 - 3:30 PM PST.
Don't forget, the registration deadline is September 1st!

🌟 Reserve Your Spot Now🌟

Don't let your inner critic take over this time! Let's give them some new jobs! Your writing dreams are within reach, and I'm here to help you make them real.

P.S. Join me—this magical, interactive video class will be an exploration of all the ways to say YES to your writing dream life! With only a select number of darling souls invited, this intimate setting is designed to provide you with personalized guidance and connection.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Sara, Your Dreams are Calling—Limited Spots for SARK’s Free Webinar!

Dear creative explorer Sara,

Have you ever felt your inner critic holding you back from writing your most authentic work? The good news is that you don't have to stay stuck. You can shift those doubts and fears into powerFULL creative momentum.

One of my biggest dreams was to become a writer, and that dream led to 19 best-selling books. I want to share how my dreams became REAL with you.

You're invited to join me for a special, intimate live webinar on Tuesday, September 3rd, at 2:00 PM PST.
Spots are limited, and we're only inviting a select number of darling souls to ensure this experience is intimate and impactFULL.

Dream. Write.Transform: Overcome Your Inner Critic with SARK!
When: Tuesday, September 3rd
Time: 2-3:30pm PST

👉 Reserve Your Spot Now

Why You Should Attend:

💜 Inner Sanctum Conversation: Enjoy a heart-centered discussion where I'll share personal insights and techniques to quiet and redirect your inner critic.
💜 SARK's Writer's Pathway: Learn strategies to ignite and maintain your creativity, helping you bring your writing dreams to life.
💜 Personalized Guidance: Receive magical mentoring and muse-filled advice tailored to your unique journey.
💜 Complimentary Connection Call: As a special bonus, every attendee will receive a complimentary call to explore your writing vision further.

Your words are precious!
Your voice is unique!
I know that writing changes the world.  And the world needs you now, more than ever.

Join me on 9/3 from 2 - 3:30 pm PST

Sara, the deadline to register is September 1st. Limited spots are available, so be quick like a happy bunny and register now!

P.S. Can't attend live? Don't worry! A video rePLAY will be available, but you need to register by September 1st to access it.
Register Now

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Final radiant opportunity!

Dear exploring soul Sara,

Applications to work privately with me are closing TODAY! If you're ready to start building your Dream Life,
begin here now.

Imagine having an experienced magical mentor by your side, helping you develop a more empowering relationship with fear and the unknown, and inspiring you to live your dream life. Visualize the profound transformations and love that await you in your new life.

Happy Dream Life Clients Have Said:
  • "It was the most transformative time and day of my life and the transformation continues."
  • "It was a total lovefest!"
  • "WOW. Way more than I ever imagined took place!"
  • "Working with SARK was a catalyst for my life changing in the best ways."
  • "With SARK's mentorship, I wrote a best-selling book that touched people's hearts."
  • "SARK provided the perfect blend of nurturing and challenge, helping me overcome blocks to live my dreams."
  • "Mentoring with SARK gave me clarity and success-oriented guidance in business, love, and everyday life."
  • "SARK's wisdom and guidance made tremendous changes in my life. I attracted amazing team members, developed deeper customer relationships, and grew my business while increasing revenue!"
Let's dream, play, and create together. If you want to work 1-to-1 with me, go here to explore and apply today. 
Act now if you feel drawn to this opportunity

This is the last luminous chance to apply and secure a spot. The investment is significant, and so are the results.

Are you ready to experience the tangible and monumental results of embracing and living your dreams?

I'm so excited to welcome you into my world and home.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

The support to become who you’re meant to be…

Dear dream-filled soul Sara,

I live my life in the flow of energy that results in the activation of my dreams.

I set out to create a new kind of private mentorship that would fully support people in building and creating their Dream Lives, and allow me to spend a full day with each luminous soul - doing transformational 1 to 1 work - and that's exactly what I've done.

Build Your Dream Life with SARK-
  • Do you have a book wanting to be created or completed?
  • A visionary product or business ready to be born?
  • An idea for a transformative online program?
  • A new way of being, or another unique idea ready to MOVE and be made REAL?
  • A desire to find deeper love with your partner, or manifest a new loving relationship?
  • Do you want to experience exponentially more self-love and exquisite self care?

"I began mentoring with SARK during my breast cancer treatment. She tailored a schedule to fit my treatment and energy levels, which resulted in a new level of confidence in my writing and creativity. I'm now completing my book and finalizing my creative offerings!" - Jackie

"My time with SARK was extraordinary. I'm set to finish my book by the end of the year. She's helped me transform my emotions and prioritize my writing. Meeting someone as intricate and profound as SARK is a rare gift. After our time together, I believed in my individuality. She doesn't adapt to an environment; she creates it." - Molly H. 

"A Dream Day with SARK is an amazing opportunity to engage with a true pioneer. She is a deep, wise, and free soul who knows how to stay in touch with joy! I'll have what she's having." - Deborah W.

Are you ready to work privately with me? Apply now.

P.S. I trust and know that the people who desire this have been waiting for this priceless, intimate experience and opportunity to be mentored by me. Apply now!

Friday, August 2, 2024

Witnessing the magic

Dear creatively vibrant Sara,

I've just celebrated 40 years of representing the spirit of SARK, which has guided me in creating 19 bestselling books, countless transformational programs, and speaking on stages worldwide.

I've also had the joy of mentoring spectacular people and helping them follow their intuition toward their dream lives. If you're feeling called,
apply today. 

What you might accomplish:
  • Learning how to complete your book and set yourself on a publishing path
  • Creating online or in-person programs
  • Developing workshops, retreats, or other offerings that align with your soul purpose
  • Creating space in your life for more love, intimacy and romance
  • Upgrading your self-care + self-love abilities
  • Improving familial relationships
  • Tuning into the frequency of love
  • Designing a new lifestyle
  • Creating a life path that leads to you being a healthy and wealthy artist
  • Changing your relationship with food and exercise
  • Revisioning and finding your life purpose

Previous clients have:
    •    Completed books and secured publishing deals
    •    Clarified their messages and creative dreams
    •    Discovered new ways to share their visions and gifts
    •    Expanded their influence
    •    Created new income opportunities through creativity and intuition
    •    Lived more purposefully, expressing their true selves

Witnessing my clients' transformations is pure magic:
"After working with SARK, I got my first book deal with Hay House! She helped me unleash my creativity and stand for who I really am."
Shereen S.

"Working with SARK has been life-changing. I've finished two books and am writing a third!" - Suzy K.

Wow, wow, wow! I am so grateful for SARK's mentoring program! The unique combination of cheerleading, accountability, feedback, love, support, and practical tools has made such a difference in my life!

"SARK helped me find my voice again and launch my first book." -

I'm passionate about guiding people to build and live their REAL Dream Life—and then sharing their full selves with the world. REAL means authentic, empowered and living in the "marvelous messy middle" with all the actual stuff of life.

This Dream Life journey offers the possibility to create almost ANYTHING. Your life will look and feel extraordinary, and the transformations you'll experience will be remarkable. Wonderfull things happen quickly when we're aligned with our purpose and presence.

If you're ready to take a joyfull leap and make your dreams and Dream Life REAL now,
Apply Now.

P.S. This is designed just for you to create, shift, envision, and accomplish your unique dreams and goals.