Here we are in America, at Thanks~Giving time, and in the world all-ways giving thanks. I think of it as Thanks~Grieving too. My deeper experiences with grieving started with the death of my beloved former fiancé John in 2016, and a book I began writing with the working title of “Deeply Grieving, Wildly Living.” I believe we are made to do both together, like bird wings. We are all grieving in one or more ways, for a myriad of losses. It is not only death that calls for grieving. I wish that grieving were more ordinarily spoken of, and that we would support ourselves and others in openly grieving, while also giving all thanks for all we have. You can do this by speaking of and acknowledging others grieving, and grieve your own losses as you move through life. The naming of, and the awareness of grieving, will shapeshift the subject forward for all to benefit from. Grieving gathers helpers and angels too. I believe and know from experience, that angels are in attendance whether we believe in them or not.
I want to recognize the many many people who have been, or are going through challenging times, who feel confused, alone, lost, or scared in the world today- which is all of us at one time or another. I am sending love and transcendence to: Everyone in this global pandemic, and all the families who have experienced the death of loved ones or health challenges as a result, and all the essential workers in hospitals and every other realm All the teachers teaching virtually in new ways and all the parents adjusting and helping their children to adjust All businesses lost or closed All affected by wildfires, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and other planetary expressions All who feel lonely, or forgotten or without hope All experiencing inner critics without supervision or translation All who feel unlovable, unloved or unseen All concerned, conflicted, despairing, frustrated and or fed up with political outcomes and irreconcilable differences All who rise for social justice and keep rising All who know that the political is the personal All who go beyond the personal to work for a mighty vision for change All who think they can’t All who feel ignored, repressed, closed out, treated unkindly or unfairly All who experience racism All unaware of their racism All educating themselves and others about privilege, racism, and the immense necessary changes needed All who experience sexism All who are other gendered and feel unknown All who experience ableism All who judge All who feel and are judged unfairly All who are feeling suicidal All who are hiding or scared All who are ill or in pain in any form All disconnected from their wisdom and power All who fear All who fear fear All who deny, resist, avoid and repress their feelings All who refuse to face facts All who say science isn’t real All who believe in only what can be seen All who struggle against great obstacles to build a better world All who quit because of fear, doubt or worry All who cry alone unendingly All who try to stop or apologize for their tears and say “I’m sorry” for being human All who experience violence from the hands or guns of another All who feel forgotten, misunderstood, or unseen All who are trapped, imprisoned or wrongly accused All who wonder why they’re here All who know why they’re here and yet sometimes despair at the time it will take to transform themselves and the world All who live, love and practice in the marvelous messy middle of life, and help others to do so too All BEings
Feel free to share this writing with others- let’s openly welcome grieving and mix it liberally with our loving, and our living. ,
You are seen, You are known, You are loved.
Planet SARK, 1288 Columbus Ave, #151, City Of Love, SARK Francisco, CA 94133, US
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