I am posting this as a response to some college students of mine who feel that anything done on a computer is not art. I am trying to change your mind! These works were done by Sarah, who is 17 years old. She used a Wacom Tablet to draw on the computer in Photoshop, much like you hold a pen or paintbrush. Anyone can hold a stylus, just like anyone can hold a paintbrush or pencil. What she does with the stylus and how she controls it is unique to Sarah. She loves drawing wolves, and has become somewhat of an expert on the subject (in any medium.) Notice how three-dimensional looking they look? They were drawn and then colored in and then highlights and shadow were added to make the bodies look three-dimensional. She didn't use a pattern, or a template, or any tool on the computer that may be seen as "cheating." She made it 'from scratch!' The computer is just another medium for an artist to use. If she drew a wolf using colored pencil, and it looks exactly the same as these do- what separates the works of art other than the use of a medium? The artist and her skill and her originality remain the same.
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