Final Cut Pro X

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Last Chance to Say YES to Your Creative Devotion

Dear brilliant light ,

Have you ever wondered how the story inside of you could impact others? Whether it's your family (currently, and generations to come); friends (both old and new); and even the world (because someone out there needs to hear your story only the way you can tell it), it needs to be brought into our world so it can illuminate those around you. ✨✨

Maybe you've thought about it, but said, "I'm not disciplined enough."

You don't need discipline.

You need devotion.

Devotion is how I wrote and published 19 bestselling books.

Devotion is how I sold two million of them 

Devotion is how I created my Miracle Methods.

Devotion is how I created
Build Your Own Book: SARK's Publishing Pathwayfor YOU, Sara, so you can learn what it means to be a devoted creative, instead of an unhappy disciplinarian, so you can release your words and share your story.

Applications close today!

Step into the devotion that will bring your book to life.

Say YES! Applications Closing

Dear intuitive life lover Sara,

I asked Christine, who just enrolled in the
Build Your Own Book: SARK's Publishing Pathwayhow she decided this was it for her.

Here's what she shared with me:

"I saw it on Facebook. It just appeared in my newsfeed, and I had never seen anything from SARK before. My intuition nudged me to explore it, so I signed up for the webinar.
Afterward, I watched the replay twice! It was the most comprehensive program I had come across. But what really stood out was SARK's mindset and her deeply rooted values. They resonated with me, and I felt truly connected to her.

When I saw the cost in AUD, I thought, maybe I should look again at the local programs I'd been considering. But when I did, I realized there was no comparison. This was calling to me. This was the one."

Christine's story is one of many that shows the power of listening to your inner wisdom. Have you felt the call to release the story in your heart and mind, to let it flow through you as a vessel, and share it with the world, so others can feel seen, known, and heard—just as you desire them to?

If you're ready to align with your vision, say YES to your writing dreams, and bring your book to life, I invite you to join us.

Applications Close Today!

Apply Now to become one of the seven writers that my Dreamy Writing and Publishing Team and I will mentor over the next six months. Together, we'll get your writing done and your story shared with those who were meant to hear it.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Ready to Finish? Let Me Mentor You—Only 7 Spots Left!

Dear exceptional human bean ,

I'm calling in 7 magical souls to finish their book in 2025.

Will one of those spots be yours? 

This is your chance to be mentored by me, while my expert Dreamy Team of Writing Coaches provide hands-on customized support to turn your book dreams into a living, breathing, tangible reality.

So, here's the question: Yes or Noare you ready to take that luminous leap?

Don't wait like I did—the world needs your stories now.

With love and beautifull belief in you,

Thursday, October 3, 2024

SARK is looking for 7 people ready to finish their book

Dear marvelous soul ,

  • Are you one of the seven writers who started your book but can't seem to finish? The words are there, but the momentum just keeps slipping away?


  • Or are you of the seven writers whose book is still an idea in your mind and spirit, waiting to be written?

Me and my Dreamy Writing and Publishing Team are guiding seven writers to help you bring your vision to life. Over the next 6 months, we'll work together to turn your book idea or unfinished draft into completed, published work.

Are you one of the seven? 

Apply Now and let's see if you're a fantastic fit for this transformative experience.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

YOU + SARK: A Request for Your Support

Dear miracle maker Sara,

Are you joyfully committed to finishing your book in the next 6 months? 

If you are, reply YES to this email!